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What is RD/RDN?

The terms RD and RDN (Registered Dietitian/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist) are actually both the same credential and mean the same thing! There are experiential and educational standards that must be met before one can use the title RD/RDN. This means after graduation from an accredited program, the RD must complete a dietetic internship (supervised practice) and pass a national exam. Click the link below to see more about my credential.

Can I get a refund if I can't attend the workshop I signed up for?

My goal as a health professional is certainly not to add to your stress level, and I understand that the unexpected sometimes happens. With that in mind, I will happily provide a full refund if you contact me anytime before the workshop date and time.

Is BLW appropriate for my baby?

In general, BLW may not be appropriate or may require adaptation for babies with certain developmental delays, babies born at 36 weeks or less, babies with hypotonia, babies diagnosed with a genetic syndrome, and babies with a cleft lip or tongue tie. If you're not sure, a team of professionals including your doctor should evaluate your baby to determine any specific feeding needs. 

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